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Old masters works replicas


Madonna della scala


Original fresco by Correggio, 


In this case I did not try to make an exact copy, but I took inspiration from the composition of the original painting.

Girl with a pearl earring


Original painting by Johannes Vermeer.


I tried to make an almost identical copy, the most notable differences are the absence of cracks in the paint and a higher overall value (brightness). While painting it I realised that what appears to be a pearl is probably a metal earring. You can notice it clearly in my version, but if you look carefully at the original you will notice that there is a reflection showing at the bottom of the earring. 

Dama con l'ermellino


Original painting by Leonardo Da Vinci.


Also in this case I tried to make an exact replica of the original.

I "restored" the right sleeve (in the original painting it shows some signs of deterioration) and also tried to give a more natural colour to the skin and the sable's fur.

What I did not do is to try to replicate the intricate embroidery that can be seen on the top of the dress, this would have been too much of a challenge!

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